97% of claims accepted and $112m paid to customers from
1/7/23 - 31/6/24
What is Business Disability Insurance?
Business Disability Insurance is designed to inject cash into your business in the event that you as the owner, or one of your key employees, need to take time off work due to illness or injury. It’s paid monthly.
Most people use Business Disability Insurance for:
- Hiring a contractor to cover the work that they would normally be doing
- Supplementing some of their lost business revenue
Business Disability Insurance benefits
Monthly benefit
This is to help you run the business if you are injured or ill and unable to work
Recurrent disability
Restarts your benefit immediately if you suffer the same disability within 12 months
Payment while overseas
You’ll get this if you’re disabled while out of the country
Inflation adjustment
Each year your sum insured can be increased without the need for further medical or financial underwriting
Optional benefits you can choose to include:
Helps you through your recovery period of part time work until you are able to resume full time duties.
Show us financial evidence of business growth and we'll increase your monthly benefit without needing further medical assessment.
Lump Sum Support when you need it. Receive this benefit if you suffer any of 29 specified injuries (ranging from broken bones to paralysis). The benefit is payable even if you are still able to continue working. Check the policy document for the full list of injuries and payment periods.
Ready to speak to an adviser?
If you would like to know more about Life Insurance we can put you in touch with an adviser who can explain the different options available.
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Frequently asked questions
How long would this cover continue to pay out for?
It’s your call. Choose between 6 months or 12 months and for some business situations you can have up to 2 years. There are also circumstances that will allow you to make repeat claims for these periods if you’ve returned to work for a certain period of time after receiving a benefit.
What can it be used for?
It can be used for a cash injection into your business if you or one of your key employees need to take time off because of a covered illness or injury. It can be used to hire a contractor, or supplement any lost business revenue because of your illness.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is for general information only, it is not financial advice or personalised to your situation. If you would like advice that takes account of your particular situation, please contact your financial adviser. Full details of policy terms and conditions are available from Asteron Life Limited or your financial adviser. Terms, conditions, exclusions and limits apply. If there are differences between the information provided here and the policy document, then the policy document will prevail. Asteron Life Limited and its related companies do not accept any liability in connection with the information provided.