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If you’ve had a poor experience with Asteron Life, let us know what’s happened. We value your feedback and we will work to improve your experience with Asteron Life.

Make a complaint

Customer Service is at the heart of our business. We are committed to treating any dissatisfaction seriously and to putting things right as fairly and as quickly as possible. You can be assured that you will be listened to and be treated with respect at all times. Your feedback challenges us to continually improve our service.

Make a complaint online

Write to us

Asteron Life Customer Care
PO Box 894, Wellington 6140

Our Complaints Management Process

1. Let us know about your complaint

Our team will do everything they can to resolve it. You can tell them about your complaint while you are on the phone, or you can email

2. If you're unhappy with our response

Please let us know, we’ll ensure a manager is involved in the review of your case. If more time is needed, we'll talk to you about this and keep you informed along the way.

3. Internal complaints resolution team

If you remain unhappy with the outcome, your complaint will be referred to our internal complaints resolution team. We will keep you informed and let you know the outcome of an independent review.

4. The Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO)

The Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) is an independent complaints resolution scheme that can review insurance disputes. We will do everything we can to resolve your complaint internally but, in some circumstances, this may not be possible. If you’re not happy with the outcome of Asteron Life’s independent review (and if it is within the jurisdiction of the IFSO) then Asteron Life will issue a letter of deadlock. You will have three months to refer your complaint to the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman, should you wish. We will abide by any decision made by the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman and there's no charge for you to use this service. Of course, you can also choose to seek a resolution elsewhere. You can contact the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman below:

Call 0800 888 202
Mail to: Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman, PO Box 10 845, Wellington 6143

Our responsibilities and timeframes

We promise to:

  • acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five business days.
  • give you the name and contact details of the person handling your complaint.
  • have someone experienced, who has not been handling your case, fully investigate your complaint if you request it.
  • respond to your complaint within 10 business days once we have all the information we need.
  • if we need more time or additional information, we’ll keep you updated at least once every 20 business days, or another timeframe we agree with you, until your complaint is resolved.
  • if we can’t resolve your complaint within two months from the date it was first made, we’ll offer you a letter of deadlock, or you'll have the option to keep working with us.