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Fund Withdrawal

Asteron Life fund withdrawal forms.

Withdrawal forms

Withdrawal form

If you would like to make either a partial or a full withdrawal from your plan/policy please complete the form and send it back to Asteron Life. If you would like a full withdrawal and your payments are made automatically by automatic payments, bank order or via your employer, please ensure these payments are stopped.

Financial Hardship withdrawal Form

You will need to fill in this form if your investment is locked-in (funds that cannot be withdrawn until either you reach a certain age or retirement) and you are experiencing severe financial hardship. This application helps the Trustees consider your request.

Simply print the form, fill in your details and return to Asteron Life by:

If you need any help filling in these forms or if you need a form that isn’t listed here, please contact us on 0800 737 101.

If you didn’t set up your policy through a financial adviser, please call our Direct Customer Service Team on 0800 874 444 for assistance, as we may need to send you some different forms.

To read and print any of the documents listed above, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download it here (it doesn't cost anything to download).


This information is of a general nature and is not financial advice. If you would like advice that takes account of your particular financial situation or goals, please contact your financial adviser.