Website Terms and Conditions
While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information contained on this website is complete and accurate, Asteron Life Limited does not represent or warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information on this website, or that this information is suitable for use in every situation.
The information contained on this website is of a general nature only and it is not financial advice. If you would like advice please contact your financial adviser. It is important that you treat this website and the information it contains simply as a guide. Full details of the products described or referred to on the website, including full descriptions of defined terms, are set out in the relevant product, service or policy documents, including prospectuses and investment statements (where applicable). You can obtain any of these either from us by calling 0800 737 101 or by contacting your adviser.
Asteron Life Limited does not accept any responsibility or liability arising directly or indirectly from or in connection with your use of or reliance on this website and the information and representations contained on it, or from any omission from the website. In the event of any inconsistency, implied or otherwise, between the information on this website and any product, service or policy documents, then the product or policy documents will prevail.
Asteron Life Limited will vigorously defend copyright in its works. Every person who breaches copyright in the works of Asteron Life Limited may be liable under New Zealand law on summary conviction to a fine of up to $150,000 or to imprisonment for a term of up to 5 years. If there has been a flagrant breach of copyright, Asteron Life Limited may also seek additional damages from the infringing party in addition to obtaining injunctive relief and an account of profits.
Live Chat Terms and Conditions
Asteron Life may at times offer a live chat service to visitors of the Asteron Life website. The use of the live chat service is optional for the visitor. The live chat service will only be available at certain times. Asteron Life does not guarantee the availability of the live chat service. Asteron Life makes no representation that they will be able to answer all of the questions asked during the live chat service and may need to direct you to call on 0800 737 101.
In using the live chat service you agree to the terms and conditions of the Asteron Life website shown above. The information provided through live chat is of a general nature only and it is not personalised advice. If you would like advice which takes account of your particular financial situation or goals, please contact your financial adviser. It is important that you treat the information provided by live chat simply as a guide. Full details of the products described or referred to on live chat, including full descriptions of defined terms, are set out in the relevant product, service or policy documents, including prospectuses and investment statements (where applicable). You can obtain any of these by sending us a message, calling 0800 737 101 or by contacting your adviser.
When you use the live chat service, any personal information that you disclose will be collected and may be used by us as set out in our Privacy Statement. Information collected through live chat will be held by our third party service provider.