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Trauma Insurance

Talk to an Adviser about Trauma Insurance. They can:

Find the best products for your budget and needs

Provide customised advice and keep your insurance up-to-date

Be impartial, as they are not Asteron Life employees

What is Trauma Insurance?

Recovering from a serious illness, injury or medical procedure takes time. Our Trauma Recovery Insurance provides you with a lump sum payment to help financially while you recover. It covers 48 medical events, conditions and surgical procedures including many types of cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Most people use Trauma Recovery Insurance to:

  • Pay for their spouse or family member to take time off work, so they can provide support and care at home
  • Pay for additional or alternative treatments that may not be covered by the New Zealand health system or health insurance
  • Cover additional expenses such as childcare and travel to medical appointments
  • Reduce debt such as mortgage or credit card payments
  • Take time off work to rest and recover – often choosing to work reduced hours
  • Aid recovery by treating themselves to something that makes them happy, such as going on a family holiday


Trauma Insurance benefits

Trauma recovery

Pays a lump sum if the medical event, condition or surgical procedure you experience meets the claim criteria.

Early stage cancer cover

Some of your trauma cover is paid out early to help with your treatment. 

Financial planning

We will pay for your family to receive professional advice from an approved financial planner. This helps your family decide the best way to use the money they will receive.

Grief support

We will pay to help with the cost of professional grief support during the grieving process. 

Optional benefits you can choose to include:

If you have an existing policy with Asteron Life, your policy may be different from our current on-sale products, so it’s a good idea to check things with your adviser.

There are terms and conditions that apply to all benefits within Trauma Recovery Insurance. Don't worry though, your adviser can take you through these and what they mean.

Your wellbeing, our priority

With Asteron Life Connected Care, you’ll have access to leading local and global experts. Get the best medical, mental health and wellbeing advice for you and your family at no extra cost.

Find out more here

Other types of cover

Customers often choose to couple Income Protection Insurance with Trauma Recovery, as this can provide them with monthly income for the period they can’t work. 


Talking to an adviser will help you focus on what’s important to you, and it's even more effective with a little preparation.

Use our handy LifeSnap tool to prepare for your conversation with an adviser so you don't have to think on your feet!

Simon Evans had always insisted that Multiple Sclerosis was never going to define him. Thanks to his Income Protection Cover with Asteron Life it never has.

Ready to speak to an adviser?

If you would like to know more about Trauma Recovery Insurance we can put you in touch with an adviser who can explain the different options available.

Speak to an Adviser

Frequently asked questions

What can this insurance pay for?

You can spend the money however you like. It can help to cover the cost of taking time off work to recover, or pay for another family member to take time off work to help out with your recovery. It can pay for extra treatment or specialised drugs. It can even pay for childcare or home renovations for wheel chair access, for example.

Does this pay hospital costs and medical bills?

This insurance pays out a lump sum if you're diagnosed with a particular illness, injury or need a medical procedure. These are all listed on the policy. You can spend the money however you like. If you’re after insurance that specifically covers medical bills and hospital costs, then you should look at medical or health insurance.


This information is of a general nature and is not personalised to your situation. If you would like advice which takes into account your particular finanical situation or goals, please contact your registered financial adviser.