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Asteron Life Insurance Index

2023 Edition

Welcome to the 2023 edition of the Asteron Life Insurance Index in New Zealand.

In order to empower life insurance advisers in their crucial role, Asteron Life has diligently conducted dedicated research for the second consecutive year. This all-encompassing Index is built upon insights from a nationally representative sample of life insurance customers in New Zealand, with the goal of offering advisers a comprehensive view of how individuals perceive life insurance and the vital role of advisers in this context.

In the 2023 issue we explore the following key insights:

  • Economic Impact on Insurance Behaviour
  • Enhancing Adviser Satisfaction
  • Optimising Client engagement
  • Supporting Insurance Decision Making
  • The Role of Advice and Expertise
  • Encouraging Referrals and Recommendations

Download the 2023 report and the two-page summary infographic below, as well as our newly created digital resources to share on your social platforms.  

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Social Media Highlights

2023 Insurance Index

Here are some highlight videos you may share on social media to interact with and engage your audience.

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Adviser Toolkit

Gain valuable insights from the 2023 Asteron Life Insurance Index, access shareable social resources for your clients all in one interactive PDF.

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View customer insights from other issues of the Asteron Life Insurance Index. These insights will help build a deeper understanding of life insurance customers in New Zealand.

2023 Edition
Insurance Index 2023

2022 Edition - Issue 2
Insurance Index 2022

2022 Edition - Issue 1
Insurance Index 2022

Insurance policies made for SMEs

Business Disability Insurance

Your business doesn’t have to suffer just because you, or a key employee, becomes sick or injured.

Business Expenses Insurance

As well as being a pain in the neck, business liabilities keep going even when you're unable to work.

Employee Insurance

The greatest benefit you can provide your employees is the ability to maintain their lifestyle.

Keep reading

Why we’re supporting customers experiencing vulnerability


Why we’re supporting customers experiencing vulnerability

At Asteron Life, we’re here supporting you for life – and when we say that, we mean it.

Three insurances to consider when you start a business


Three insurances to consider when you start a business

By Claire Sutton

There are many types of insurance that might help to protect your business. Here are three life insurance covers you might want to consider when you start a new business.

A helping hand when you need it


A helping hand when you need it

At Asteron Life, we’re here to help we’re here to support you for life. We also know there are times when everyone needs a little extra support. That’s why, where we can, we’re offering practical assistance to customers we find are experiencing vulnerability of some kind.